Review Insights

Make data-driven decisions

Dynamic and practical insights delivered by artificial intelligence. Uncover big picture trends within your reviews. Start doing more of what’s working, and less of what’s not.

An illustration of a graph showing the number of reviews per location
Did you know?

Review Insight’s machine learning model gets more intelligent with each review. After analyzing more than 100 million, it delivers some pretty smart insights.

Sentiment Analysis

Zoom in for the big picture

Our AI engine does the heavy lifting to highlight and identify positive, negative, and neutral customer sentiments within your reviews. Gain an understanding of how each aspect of your brand is perceived now and over time with sentiment scores for different topics.

An illustration showing the positive and negative parts of a review highlighted by the AI engine

An illustration of a graph showing progress in the last 12 months


Categorized feedback

Review Insights sorts and categorizes clusters of words and phrases within your reviews into topics, giving you a deep understanding of what your customers are passionate about.

TrustScore forecast

Look ahead to your future success

Explore how today’s review activities could shape your TrustScore and experiment with different scenarios to see how changes in your review volume and ratings could shape your TrustScore in the next year.

A Pink graphic illustrating the Trustscore forecast feature

How it works

An icon representing an invitation

1. Collect Reviews

Use our review invitation tools to gather an ongoing stream of reviews from all of your customers, never missing out on feedback.

An icon of a computer chip

2. Our AI engine sorts and analyzes your customers’ feedback

Built to save you time and provide more value from your reviews, our ever-learning AI categorizes topics in your reviews and identifies customer sentiment around them.

An outline of a document

3. Use your learnings to create better experiences

Dive deeper into your feedback, and discover what your customers are thinking. Validate business decisions and focus on areas that will give your customers what they truly want.

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An illustration of the Trustscore forecast dashboard

Dashboard and analytics

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An illustration of a review with multiple options to segment the review, including being able to add tags

Review Tags

Sharpen your response strategies by using tags to quickly categorize feedback and streamline your review management.

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An illustration of 3 Trustpilot reviews with different star ratings

Service Reviews

Every two seconds, a new review is written on Trustpilot’s consumer-facing site. Collecting reviews on Trustpilot gives your current and future customers a place to learn about fellow shoppers’ experiences with your business.

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