Seamlessly integrate one of your most used tools with Trustpilot, allowing your reviews to facilitate enhanced performance across your tech ecosystem.
Developed by: Trustpilot
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We bring companies & customers together in the #1 CRM platform. Sharing the news, events, and innovation you need.
Trustpilot for Salesforce seamlessly integrates review management. Connect with more customers by sending review invitations automatically, uncovering consumer insights through Salesforce reporting, and increasing marketing performance and conversions.
Use Salesforce to automatically send review invitations to customers that uses your service—with direct access to reply right in your Salesforce dashboard.
Gain a deeper understanding of your customers’ experience and create custom reports combining your review data, ratings, and other key attributes.
Amplify your marketing strategy with the voice of your customers and deliver personalized experiences at every stage of your sales and marketing funnel.