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Sprout Social

Monitor, manage, and respond to Trustpilot reviews from Sprout Social dashboards, keeping your customers engaged and growing your brand’s reputation for transparency and responsiveness.

Data and Analytics, Social Media
Learn from Reviews, Respond to Reviews

Developed by: Sprout Social

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About Sprout Social

Sprout Social empowers brands to deliver smarter, faster business impact with comprehensive social media management solutions.

Sprout Social and Trustpilot

Adding Trustpilot in Sprout Social helps you manage your social media and brand reputation workflows from one solution. Use Sprout Social to monitor your incoming reviews, reply to reviews directly, and measure your ratings from Sprout Social’s pre-built or custom reports.

With a single dashboard to access, understand, and respond to your customers’ feedback easily, you can empower your customer-facing teams and showcase your business’s responsiveness. This can have a huge impact on your business’s reputation – according to Trustpilot research, 64% of consumers surveyed would prefer to buy from a responsive company over one that appears perfect.


Receive and view your Trustpilot customer reviews within Sprout Social
Respond to reviews left for your business on Trustpilot from within Sprout Social
Manage and understand your Trustpilot customer reviews from your Sprout Social dashboards

Use cases

  • Monitor and analyze Trustpilot reviews with Sprout Social dashboards

    Customize Sprout Social dashboards with Trustpilot review volume, average rating, and other key insights. Apply macros, tags, and filtering to reviews. Keep your customer experience teams well-informed about Trustpilot reviews with associated sentiment and message categorization, empowering them to improve customer experience and enhance business performance.

  • Respond directly to Trustpilot reviews from within Sprout Social

    Keep your customer engagement and responsiveness high by using Sprout Social to respond to Trustpilot reviews. Every response you make through Sprout Social gets posted on your public Trustpilot page, helping enhance your brand's positive reputation and showcasing your commitment to transparency.