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Integrate Trustpilot reviews with your TrustedSite Certification.

Trust and Security
Showcase Reviews

Developed by: TrustedSite

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About TrustedSite

TrustedSite helps businesses secure their customer data and earn trust with their website visitors.

For eCommerce business owners and marketers, we offer TrustedSite Certification, a powerful suite of tools to increase trust and boost sales. By earning and displaying TrustedSite certifications and trustmarks throughout the buyer’s journey, sites can show visitors that a reputable third-party has verified their business–leading visitors to complete their purchases with confidence.

TrustedSite and Trustpilot

Display your Trustpilot star rating within the TrustedSite certification modal and page

Address concerns about business legitimacy, customer satisfaction, and order fulfillment by showcasing authentic reviews. Your most security-conscious visitors will know it's safe to make a purchase without ever leaving your site.

When visitors click on your TrustedSite trustmarks, they'll see your authentic star rating collected by Trustpilot. The certification modal and page will display your Trustpilot star rating, the number of reviews you’ve collected, and a link to your Trustpilot profile where visitors can read the reviews written by your previous customers.


TrustedSite and Trustpilot